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Living alone has several definitions for many people. For some it means freedom, for others it is a big challenge, but what everyone agrees is that with a little patience and determination, this new phase of your life can be lived with tranquility, so that you can focus and reach your goals.
Items like bed, refrigerator, television, are basic things that don't require any kind of list, but what about those sensational appliances that can save your day and make your routine easier ?
Often, we just remember that we need them in an emergency situation at home, so we’ve listed some "magic" appliances that are perfect for anyone who is starting the journey of living alone . Check it out:
We need to give a standing ovation to whoever invented this electric fryer. First, because it does what it promises: crunchy food without the need to use oil . Another advantage is that as it has a timer and temperature level, that is, it is almost impossible to go wrong. You can program it to fry a certain food, and in the meantime, dedicate yourself to doing other things.
There are also many websites and blogs that offer various recipes not only for frying, but for cakes, pies and even breads that can be made in this wonderful fryer. Not to mention the question of how much healthier your diet can be, by reducing the amount of oil in your meals. More health and practicality for your life!
The first thing to celebrate about this appliance is the fact that you don't need a lot of space to store it. This is possible thanks to a motor, which acts as a base for you to fit the cups and accessories. The first function is that of a blender, which needs no introduction. Essential to make vitamins, juices, soups and sauces, it is a must for every kitchen.
In " processor " mode, it works well for chopping, grinding and cutting grains, meats, fruits, cheeses and the list is huge. And finally, it comes with cutting blades , to cut, slice and grate food, guaranteeing more varied meals and helping you, especially if you are not very good at handling knives and fine and precise cuts. Rest assured that at various times you will need this multiprocessor and it will not disappoint you!
The fact that this vacuum cleaner is vertical is wonderful because it takes up little space , is easy to handle and can be used to vacuum some furniture and even your car. It works well for both heavy cleaning and simple pet hair removal.
It can also be used as a portable vacuum, ideal for cleaning cars and upholstery, and comes with nozzles that adapt to different needs. Not to mention that a vacuum cleaner cleans better than a broom and will reduce the chances of allergic attacks due to the dust accumulated in your home.
This appliance will be your best friend on your journey to live alone. Just follow the directions for use, put your clothes inside and wait for the miracle to happen. He washes and dries, without the need to spread out his clothes and count on the good weather to dry them .
There are many washing machines that come with pre-programmed functions to make your life easier and provide you with the best experience of having this gem in your home. Depending on the type of material of your clothes, you won't even need to iron them. Just take them out of the washer and put them on. Much gratitude to this incredible invention!
We hear a lot about the importance of drinking water every day, but little is said about the quality of the water we need to drink. Quality water and free from contamination are basic factors for good health.
By investing in a good water purifier, you will guarantee protection against physical waste, excess chlorine and microorganisms harmful to your health . In addition to having fresh, cold water at any time of the day. So hydrate yourself and enjoy this phase so interesting that it is living alone !
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